Tuesday, March 2, 2010

vaca day and FOOD!

on friday i took a vaca day purely for mental health. i think i need those at least once a school quarter in order to avoid going completely crazy. i slept late and then just texted and emailed from bed for a nice long time. i finally got up and went to one of my favorite places...WHOLE FOODS! i love how it's laid out, the free cheese samples everywhere and how helpful everyone is. i bought lots of beautiful food for the week and ingredients to make beef stew in the crock pot. i also got their delic mac & cheese from their hot bar for lunch. TO DIE! when i got home i started chopping all the onions, potatoes, garlic and carrots. who knew that would be so insanely time consuming! then i had to brown up the beef add in the beef stock and get it cooking. i added in some thyme and hot sauce and let it sit for 5 hours. then later on i added in more stock and green beans and let it sit for about 15 minutes. then it was ready to enjoy! it turned out great and i'm really proud of myself! while i waited for it to cook all day i got some school work done and watched my netflix movie - the visitor which was very good. later on a friend and i went to the bf's small show at their studio. it was really fun and they sounded great. after that we went to merkles to see one of her friend's bands. it's been quite a long time since i've been out in wrigleyville. i felt like the oldiest and most sober person in the room. it was a bit rough. fun nonetheless! the rest of the weekend is a blur and i'm super tired and in need of another vaca day which isn't gonna happen for awhile unfortunately.

if you want more on my foodie wannabe ways check out this new blog i'm a co-author on - http://iheartcomida.blogspot.com/.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Whole Foods the greatest store??? I love that place. I always spend too much but all the food is so scrumptious. Yum, makes me want to go now LOL
